Diving Equipment Servicing

Aquaholics offer a wide range of diving equipment servicing options. This is not an exhaustive list - for any other servicing information, please contact us if you have any questions. We are a certified service centre and service a wide range of manufacturers diving equipment. 

We also offer a courier pickup and return service throughout Ireland. For £16 courier will pick up dive equipment and return to you. (n.b excludes diving tanks)
You can book this here.

Diving Regulator Servicing

Regulator 1st stage excludes manufactures service kit £27.50
Regulator 2nd stage excludes manufactures service kit £17.50
Octopus excludes manufactures service kit £17.50


Diving Cylinder Servicing

Visual Inspection  £34 + parts
Hydrostatic Test (including Visual Inspection) £54 + parts

BCD - Buoyancy Control Device Servicing

Service £30
Patch from £10

Drysuit Servicing

Pressure Test £30.00
Patch from £20
Boots Fitted from  £130
Zip Fitted from  £150
Heavy Duty Zip Fitted from £220
Latex Wrist Seal (Single) £40
Latex Wrist Seals (Pair) £80
Latex Neck Seal £80